
Sunday, October 13, 2013

Jacksonville Arboretum

Scouting out locations for my site-specific work. Excited to be part of an event that has 25 sculptors installing on the grounds of the arboretum.  As I post these images, I realize I did not photograph the sites I selected.  These images are from the Rosemary Ridge section and lake area.

My ideas for this project are inspired by the research I collected from the book “Oak: The Frame of Civilization” by William Bryant Logan. 

Sculpture #1, Tree Markers – Sanded and carved sticks are leaned against a tree.  The number of sticks will depend on the size of the tree.  Sticks will vary be approximately 4 feet.  The leaning of sticks around a tree was a method used to mark trees for acorn gathering. 
Sculpture #2, Post Office – A handwritten letter placed inside a recessed area of a tree.  The letter will read as a poem with a nature theme. During the Civil War, trees were used as makeshift post offices. 
Sculpture #3, Precious  – Throwing precious objects in fens, lakes, wells, and rivers was a common tradition from Neolithic to the Bronze Age. I will be working with mirrors in a creek that has a walk over foot bridge. 

AJ, Age 11

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